Eight billion people on our planet are in the same boat and are facing the Covid-19 crisis. The Corona pandemic is dominating the world and nobody can escape it. But the FRANKfurtstyleaward 2020 will take place!
FRANKfurtstyleaward 2020
When we started the 12th edition of the FRANKfurtstyleaward in December 2019, we hoped that our world would change. The guiding theme BENEFITS of CHANGE, with its three categories “Create Your Revolution”, “Explore Cradle to Cradle” and “Dream Your Dreams”, reflects the spirit of the times and is based on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of us, resulting from transformation processes, digitalization, migration and environmental developments.

However, no one expected or predicted the extent and dynamics of the change we are now facing. This crisis is shaking the foundations of our society and the global economy.
Please let us not lose sight of our goal of promoting outstanding talent! With applications from students, master class students and newcomers received by 13 March 2020, our candidates of this international contest for fashion and design have proven that there are no limits to the power of creativity and innovation.
This may sound pathetic. But if you look at the results of the applications for the FRANKfurtstyleaward 2020, the worldwide contributions of 160 young fashion designers are very motivating and encouraging.
Evaluation of 160 applications
The jury of international experts is currently examining and evaluating the submissions independently of each other with concepts and sketches, which are presented in a digital jury booklet.
As already mentioned, 160 applications have been received from 17 countries and three continents. In total, students and Master Class students from 34 fashion schools took part. Applications were received in three categories:
- Cradle to Cradle: 30 applications
- Create your Revolution: 63 applications
- Dream your Dreams: 67 applications
For detailed information please see our fact sheet.
We will announce the TOP 60 finalists at the end of April 2020.
+++ NEWS +++ Olivier Lapidus and Nelly Rodi +++ NEWS +++
We are delighted that Olivier Lapidus, the famous French haute couture designer, visionary and pioneer of Fashion Tech, has accepted our invitation to become patron of the FRANKfurtstyleaward 2020.
“La nouvelle génération ne va pas seulement changer la mode mais le système de la mode. L’écologie, l’évolution du Web, le sens donné aux choses seront de nouveaux challenges dans l’univers de la création. Il se pourrait que l’être l’emporte sur le paraître.”
“The new generation will not only change fashion but also the fashion system. Ecology, the evolution of the web, the meaning of things will be new givings in the universe of creation. It could be that “to be” may be more important than “to appear”.
(Olivier Lapidus)
In addition, we were also able to win Nelly Rodi, Vice-President of the Creation, Fashion & Design Department of the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Ile-de-France (CCI), member of the board of IFM (French Fashion Institute), president of the La Fabrique school and a world-renowned fashion consultant, as Honorary President of the 2020 Final Jury.
FRANKfurtstyleaward 2020 will take place
Even though the Corona virus is setting the pace for us right now: We are firmly convinced that we are well prepared with the leading role and commitment of these two French fashion experts and all applicants for the FRANKfurtstyleaward 2020.
We are moving with the times and breaking new ground for hosting the FRANKfurtstyleaward 2020 in the digital world! You are already invited to take part online!
The pandemic will continue to affect us for a long time and will have an impact on our lives, our ecosystems and also on our award ceremony for the FRANKfurtstyleaward 2020.
The consumer goods fair TENDENCE in Frankfurt is cancelled. We are now working with our partners on a plan B. Our digital world will play our cards right into our hands. Together with the young designers, the commitment of our partners and supporters and an interested audience, the FRANKfurtstyleaward 2020 will definitely take place – only with different signs.