+++ Winners of Wild Card Voting are determined +++ Digital Cornerstone laid +++
From April 20 to 30, 2020, the Wild Card Voting took place on the Facebook page of the FRANKfurtstyleaward. Now the three winners have been determined.
From April 20 to 30, 2020, the Wild Card Voting took place on the Facebook page of the FRANKfurtstyleaward. Now the three winners have been determined.
For many weeks now, the Corona pandemic has kept us on tenterhooks and forcing us to make unexpected changes in our societies, economies, cultures and lifestyles. This also applies to the FRANKfurtstyleaward 2020 BENEFITS of CHANGE.
Eight billion people on our planet are in the same boat and are facing the Covid-19 crisis. The Corona pandemic is dominating the world and nobody can escape it. But the FRANKfurtstyleaward 2020 will take place!
The countdown for applicants for the FRANKfurtstyleaward 2020 BENEFITS of CHANGE has begun. Young talents have the opportunity to apply for this international competition for fashion & design until 28 February 2020.
It’s time. The FRANKfurtstyleaward is entering its 12th round in 2020 with the motto BENEFITS of CHANGE. Applications can be submitted from December 1, 2019 to February 28, 2020.