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The Frankfurt STYLE AWARD is the first international contest for many young design talents. Having the chance to demonstrate their creativity and talent in front of an expert jury at the Finale is in itself a big success and an exciting experience.

This year’s upcoming designers competed to win one of the 15 prizes worth in total over 50,000 Euros. Amongst the prizes were dream trips to the Seychelles and Dubai, premium e-bikes, a unique sewing machine, monetary prizes and internships at renowned international fashion labels.

The first place winners in the categories UNIFORM, UNISEX and UNICULT are Nora Wenzlawiak with her design “Aerodynamics,” Michaela Südkamp with her design “The WoMan” and Dennis Hörtinger with “Brave new World Order.”

Special Price

A very special prize was awarded to the winner of the UNITED DIVERSITY AWARD for Outstanding Talent 2014, Melissa Schulz. The winner from FAHMODA – Akademie für Mode und Design Hannover received an unforgettable fashion-trip to famous French fashion houses and a visit to the French talent contest “Festival International des Jeunes Createurs de Mode de Dinard”. In addition, her winning outfit from Frankfurt will be exhibited in the luxurious Palais des Artes.

The prize was awarded by the guest of honor from France: Dominique Deroche, who served as right hand to Yves Saint Laurent for over 40 years and currently acts as representative of the Fondation Pierre Bergé Yves Saint Laurent.



The grand Finale at Frankfurt Airport

Frankfurt knows how to do fashion. On the 26th of September the Frankfurt STYLE AWARD Gala 2014 will take place in the new Fraport Forum.

Under the auspices of Markus Frank and the patronage of Sophie Laszlo, General Consul of France in Frankfurt, 60 young fashion designers from all over the world and over 450 fashion enthusiasts are celebrating the peak of this year’s International Contest in Fashion & Design.

The finalists’ creations under this year’s guiding theme UNITED DIVERSITY will be shown by upcoming models on an impressive runway within the new Fraport Forum at the Frankfurt Airport.

Event Note

The Fraport Forum is located in the walkway between the Long-Distance Train Station/ The Squaire and Terminal 1, Frankfurt Airport

The Award Gala starts at 6PM. Tickets are sold out.
For all Frankfurt STYLE AWARD guests: Free parking in Terminal 1 Parkhaus.
At the Welcome Desk you receive your free exit ticket.

Public Viewing & Livestream at 7 PM

With support from Media Frankfurt, ECG and vsonix, the Finale will be broadcasted within the Airport.

For all Frankfurt locals: Don’t miss our Public Viewing at Lemons & Limes Bar, Sheraton Frankfurt Airport Hotel.

Our Media Partner NOT JUST A LABEL will live stream the Frankfurt STYLE AWARD for our international audience.

International Label is offering an Internship

Charming, geometric and colorful handbags, gloves and belts made from the finest leather are the key traits of the Berlin label Gretchen. Having received multiple international awards, such as the German Design Award 2014, the Red Dot Design Award and the All American SPARK Award, Gretchen now exists in 28 countries. Fans of Gretchen’s unique creations include Paris Hilton, Brooke Shields, Natalie Avelon and Amber Rose.

As a cooperating partner of the Frankfurt STYLE AWARD, the label is offering one lucky finalist the opportunity to collaborate on a collection, learn the specifics of leather manufacturing and to show-off his/her creative talent in accessory design with a six-month internship.


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Anne-Christin Schmitt is the founder, creative mind and face behind the Berlin-based label Gretchen. Currently, she is realizing her dream of an innovative and timeless accessory-line in her Kreuzberg-Berlin studio. Having grown up in a leather goods manufacturing family, each Gretchen design speaks to her lifetime of experience with the material, her knowledge of traditional leather craftsmanship and her appreciation for fine leather.

Anne-Christin Schmitt’s unique bag creations reflect her intuitive understanding of design. “A tribute to the modern fashion-concious woman”. Challenging the conventional with new concepts and ideas, Gretchen designs are inspired by sculptural aesthetics and can be characterized by sleek straight lines and modern angularity.

Gaga-gantic – Frankfurt STYLE AWARD in the BILD

“Gaga-gantic” is the BILD Zeitung’s description for the extraordinary creations from our talented finalists.  Editor Jörg Ortmann from the BILD Zeitung visited theFrankfurt STYLE AWARD fitting on August 23rd at Häuser der Mode in Eschborn. For the first time, models slipped into the 60 designs of the UNITED DIVERSITY collection. Take a look at the gaga-gantic spread from the August 25th paper available to read below and online.


Fashion-Trip with Koenig Leatherwear: An experience report from Arlett Jaede

A fashion trip to the fashion-nation Italy. Arlett Jaede won the special prize in the category UTOPIA for the Frankfurt STYLE AWARD 2013: a trip to the beautiful city of Florence and one of the world’s largest HAKA fairs, Pitti Uomo, all made possible by Koenig Leatherwear. Arlett Jaede reported to us about her trip.

“Winning first place in the category Utopia for the Frankfurt STYLE AWARD 2013 was not only one of the most exciting and beautiful evenings of my life, but also gave me an unbelievable opportunity. Thanks to the well-known company König Leatherwear, I won a sponsored trip to Florence. I flew from Berlin over the Alps to Florence, where an awesome hotel-room in the Hilton Hotel Florence awaited me.

After a short pit-stop at the hotel, I went directly to the one of the world’s largest HAKA fairs, Pitti Uomo. The variety and the size of the fair excited me. The extravagance and the hustle-and-bustle of the stands were unlike that of any of the Berlin fairs, such as Premium and Gallery. What caught my eye was the number of the well-dressed people all in one place! Aside from the people and the wonderful clothing stands, there were also many different accessories, shoes and purses displayed.

The next day, I visited the fair for a second time, which was unfortunately still not enough to see everything! After the fair, I had a few hours left to visit Florence’s beautiful inner-city before getting on the plane back to Berlin.

Once again, I would like to thank everyone, who made this trip possible. I would especially like to thank König Leatherwear and the Frankfurt STYLE AWARD team! I am can’t wait for this year’s finale!”

-Arlett Jaede

Become a Talent Patron!

The talent support package for the Top60 fashion designers of this year’s Finale addresses decision makers from the fields of economy, commerce and society who support and welcome young talents. The package includes two VIP Guesttickets for the Frankfurt STYLE AWARD on 26th of September, a „Meet & Greet“ with finalists and awardee and further specials. Please follow the link for further informations regarding the talent support package and further promotion possibilities.

s.Oliver wird Gold Sponsor

„Real Fashion For Real People“ – das ist das Geheimnis des Erfolges. s.Oliver Bernd Freier GmbH & Co.KG gehört zu den größten Fashion- und Lifestyle-Unternehmen in Europa und konnte in diesem Jahr als „Verbündeter“ und Partner des Frankfurt STYLE AWARD gewonnen werden.

Als Gold-Sponsor sponsert s.Oliver nicht nur die Preisgelder der Kategorie UNICULT, sie stiften auch den Sonderpreis UNITED DIVERSITY im Wert von 5.000 Euro: Einer der diesjährigen Finalisten kann sich auf ein 6-monatiges Praktikum freuen, das unter dem Mentorship unseres Junior-Jurymitglieds Riccardo Serravalle steht.

Seit Dezember 2013 ist der Jungdesigner für das Designteam von SIR OLIVER Women tätig. Für ihn war der Style Award ein Sprungbrett in die Modewelt. Zwei Jahre hintereinander durfte er Preise mit nach Hause nehmen, u.a. ein Praktikum bei Anja Gockel. Riccardo wird den Gewinner des Sonderpreises während seiner Zeit bei s.Oliver begleiten.

Der Frankfurt STYLE AWARD freut sich in s.Oliver einen Partner gefunden zu haben, der die Idee und Initiative des Internationalen Talentwettbewerbs ideell und finanziell unterstützt.

frankfurt_style_award_partner_sponsoren_werthmannReinhold Werthmann
Director Human Resources Capital Management

„Heutzutage wird es immer wichtiger, frühzeitig Talente zu entdecken und zu fördern. Der Frankfurt STYLE AWARD eröffnet jungen, angehenden Modedesignern die Möglichkeit sich im internationalen Wettbewerb zu beweisen und einer fachkundigen Jury zu stellen. Für uns ist es eine großartige Plattform mit jungen nationalen und internationalen Talenten in Kontakt zu treten und ihr Können zu beobachten. Hier entdecken wir die potentiellen s.Oliver Designer von morgen. Wir freuen uns einen Beitrag zur Förderung der angehenden Designergeneration leisten zu können. Nachhaltige Talentförderung ist wichtig!“

Die ersten Praktikumspreise stehen fest

Der Internationale Nachwuchswettbewerb bietet seinen Teilnehmern eine Plattform auf der sie praxisnahe Erfahrungen sammeln und wichtige Kontakte knüpfen können. Dazu zählt seit jeher auch die Vermittlung interessanter Praktikumsplätze.

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass in diesem Jahr neben s.Oliver auch die Erfolgslabels Rich & Royal und Anja Gockel als Kooperationspartner mit dabei sind.

Rich & Royal

Rich & Royal steht für wertige, rockige Outfits made in Europe. Als Kooperationspartner des Frankfurt STYLE AWARD vergibt das Label, dass mittlerweile zu einer der am schnellsten wachsenden Fashionbrands in Deutschland gehört, unter den Finalisten einen der begehrten Praktikumsplätze.

anja gockel

Fair produzierte Mode, Figur schmeichelnde Schnitte und fantasievolle Drucke. Das dritte Jahr in Folge unterstützt das Modelabel anja gockel den talentierten Designnachwuchs des Frankfurt STYLE AWARD und stiftet ein Praktikum im Mainzer Atelier.