At this year’s Young Professionals‘ Day on June 13th, 2015, 750 potential young employees met with 50 companies from the textile and fashion industry – such as GANT, H&M, Hugo Boss or s. Oliver. The yearly career fair from the Textilwirtschaft has become a fixed appointment for the the FRANKFURT STYLE AWARD that provides an opportunity to meet directly with the next generation and important players of the fashion industry. As at the previous fairs, we used the day to expand our existing network and introduce the FRANKFURT STYLE AWARD as a career platform where young design talents can be scouted.

Beim YPD 2015 treffen 750 Nachwuchskräfte auf mehr als 50 Unternehmen aus der Textil und Modeindustrie. (c)textilwirtschaft
The chance to present the International Talent Contest at Young Professionals‘ Day is thanks to a longterm cooperation with the Textilwirschaft. The German textile and fashion industry publication is media partner of the FRANKFURT STYLE AWARD and sponsors a yearly Textilwirtschaft or Sportswear International subscription for the 2nd and 3rd place winners of each category.

Die Textilwirtschaft hat wieder eine tolle Messe aus Diskussionsrunden, Vorträgen, spannenden Rednern und der Möglichkeit mit Unternehmen direkt zu sprechen auf die Beine gestellt. (c)textilwirtschaft
The TW Young Professionals‘ Day is organized and held by Textilwirtschaft. Everything revolves around career opportunities in the Fashion Industry. Participants can expect an attractive mix of discussion rounds, lectures and interesting speakers in addition to the possibility to speak directly with companies and network with human resources managers in the industry. Impressions from TW Young Professionals‘ Day can be found here. The FRANKFURT STYLE AWARD GALA will take place on September 5, 2015 in Frankfurt Airport. The FINALE SHOW of the TOP 60 is the peak of the Contest and the Event in FrankfurtRheinMain where the creativity of international upcoming designers will be celebrated.