The FRANKfurtstyleaward was at Apparel Sourcing Paris from September 16 to September 19, 2019. With our partners, we were able to experience the unique flair of Paris, which for all fashion designers is the air to breathe.
Guest of Chantal Thomass
And that’s exactly what happened to everyone in Paris. One highlight chased the next. Chantal Thomass welcomed not only the FRANKfurtstyleaward team, but also Tiffany Anggiono, who won this year’s lifestyle “Adventure” with her design “Distant Memory”. She experienced Paris as part of her “Lifetime Fashion Trip“.
from left to right: Tiffany Anggiono, Chantal Thomass, Hannemie Stitz
ApparelSourcing Paris 2019 – the filmAbout
30 selected designs chosen from the TOP60 of the FRANKfurtstyleaward 2019 HEIMAT 4.0 were presented together with the partners at the ApparelSourcing in Paris. The film was provided by our partner Fashion TV Production.