Clouds of hair spray, make-up brushes and the essential camera flashlights transformed the Häuser der Mode (hdm) in Frankfurt last Saturday once again into the fitting rooms for the FRANKfurtstyleaward.
Extensive preparations for the grand Award Gala at the Alte Oper Frankfurt on September, 23rd 2016 were in full swing. This was the first moment when the TOP60 finalist designs were fitted to the young models of Frankfurt’s East West Models agency and Main-Topmodels and were presented in front of the camera.
All main partners and participants contributed to arrange the fashion show of the FRANKfurtstyleaward Gala 2016: The top professional make-up artists of the renowned Frankfurt Famous Face Academy guaranteed a perfectly matching make-up and stylish ponytails. Designer and choreographer Marco Marcu kept cool behind the stage. The Backstage Director of the Frankfurt Style Award decided on the chronological sequence and his expert view matched the right design with the perfect model. To set the scene perfectly, several designs had to be worn by different models until he was satisfied. Fashion Show Producer Ty-Rown Vincent kept his eye on the details and instructed the models to walk the catwalk like top professionals and of course he gave tips on what to look for. Photographer Martin Joppen was responsible this year for taking the perfect shot of the TOP60 Designs. Not only focusing on the overall image but on each and every handcrafted detail of the designs.
To get an overall impression of our Fitting 2016, check out our media partner rheinmain tv’s video: