All posts tagged: International Contest for young Talents in Fashion and Design

Fashion Ambassadors from Ukraine presented their Collections at the Opening of Frankfurt Fashion Week

With the support of the New Fashion Zone teams and at the invitation of the FRANKfurtstyleaward, seven young designers from Ukraine opened Frankfurt Fashion Week at the Frankfurt Fashion Lounge on June 20, 2022 at Frankfurt’s Carmelite Monastery. Under the motto “FASHION with PASSION”, the Ukrainians also launched the 3rd Special Edition of the FRANKfurtstyleaward on June 24, 2022 at the Kunstverein Familie Montez.

„FASHION WITH PASSION” presents “Frankfurt dresses up! Frankfurt en Vogue – already in the days of Goethe and Emperors“

The international Talent Competition FRANKfurtstyleaward (since 2008) and its sponsors and partners will not only chime in the start of Frankfurt Fashion Week with a Grand Opening of the Frankfurt Fashion Lounge in the “Karmeliterkloster” but will also conquer the fashion metropolis with the FREUNDESKREIS LIEBENSWERTES FRANKFURT to kick off Frankfurt Fashion Week (FFW) and immerse itself in the fashion history of the “Urbis Frankofurti ad Moenum”. Together with its sponsors and VIP guests, the FRANKfurtstyleaward will lead the FFW delegation of the New Fashion Zone (NFZ) with seven newcomer designers on the footsteps of the fashion-loving Johann Wolfgang von Goethe from Frankfurt’s Römer to the Kaiserdom. 2022 – Frankfurt dresses up! Frankfurt en Vogue! Already in the days of Goethe and Emperors” Monday, June 20, 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. Start at the Karmeliterkloster, Reception and Presentation by Gerhard Boller Hannemie Stitz-Krämer, founder of FRANKfurtstyleaward, invites her allies and partners of FFW 2022 to the premiere of the time travel “Historical Fashion Safari on Foot – in the Footsteps of Goethe” on June 20, 2022 …


On Friday, June 24, 2022, the 3rd Special Edition of the FRANKfurtstyleaward will take place at the Kunstverein Familie Montez under the motto “Fashion with Passion”. Under the patronage of Frankfurt’s techno pope TALLA 2XLC, the avantgarde of music will meet the avantgarde of fashion from the New Fashion Zones of Ukraine, Senegal and Germany on the runway. “Landlord” Mirek Macke invites the International Talent Contest for Fashion & Design for the second time to his unique location under the Honsell Bridge.