
Welcome Young Talents!

The FRANKfurtstyleaward has established itself as a networking platform for fashion newcomers, professionals, colleges, universities, fashion creators and the fashion & style communities. As a contest for upcoming designers it offers its participants a springboard into the fashion world. The Top 60 finalists have the chance to present their designs to an international audience and convince the international and interdisciplinary jury at the Gala Finale Show. Additionally to exclusive prizes, the finalists can win internships in renowned textile- and fashion companies and selected designs will be presented at textile trade fairs around the globe, like the Texworld Paris.

The FRANKFURT STYLE AWARD is the right place to start because it is an international contest and has a special selection of young designers with great talent, craftsmanship and passion. It gives young fashion designers the opportunity to be known by the world, and to grow in their work and creativity.

Participant Manuel Felipe Castano Calero
Amsterdam Fashion Academy

Participation in the FRANKFURT STYLE AWARD gives the chance to offer my design to an international crowd. Participation in the Finale means the privilege to not only represent my college, but my city/country too and I am grateful for both opportunities.

Participant Rebecca Deasy
Raffles College of Design and Commerce, North Sydney

Participating Fashion Schools since 2014

Australia: Raffles College of Design and Commerce, North Sydney | Curtin University | China: Donghua University | Hubei Institue of Fine Arts | Jianghan University | Jiangnan University | DenmarkCopenhagen School of Design and Technology | TEKO Design + Business – VIA University College, Herning | Germany: Academy of Fine Arts | Akademie JAK, Hamburg | AMD Hamburg | Anna Siemsen Schule Hannover | Bekleidungsfachschule Aschaffenburg | Bekleidungsschule Naila | Berufskolleg Humboldstraße, Köln | BSZ e.o.Plauen | Deutsche POP Akademie | Esmod Berlin | Fachhochschule Bielefeld | FAHMODA, Akademie für Mode und Design Hannover | Fashion-Design-Institut e.V., Düsseldorf | Fashion+Design Factory | Frankfurter Schule für Bekleidung und Mode | Freie Akademie Köln | Hochschule Hannover – University of Applied Sciences and Arts | Hochschule Reutlingen | Hochschule Trier | HTW Berlin | Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität |Käthe-Kollwitz Schule | Kerschensteiner Schule | M3-MenschenMachenMode e.V. | Mediadesign Hochschule Düsseldorf | Mode- Lehr und Schnitt-Institut Gabriel und Heidrun Gabriel-Wildhirt, Frankfurt | Modefachschule Sigmaringen | Modeschule Brigitte Kehrer Schule Mannheim & Stuttgart | OSZ Mode und Bekleidung | PMD -Private Fashion School Düsseldorf | Reutlingen University | Schule für Mode, Grafik und Design, Offenbach | Schule für Modemacher Münster |  Staatliche Modeschule Stuttgart | Technical University of Dortmund |  Trier University of Applied Sciences | University of Applied Arts Pforzheim | University of Applied Sciences & Arts Hamburg | University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover | University of Applied Sciences Berlin | University of Paderborn | University of Pforzheim | Estonia: Estonia Academy of Arts | Finland: Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences, Kouvola | Lahti University of Applied Sciences | France: Ecole de la Maille de Paris | ESMOD LYON | Supde mod, Lyon | Hongkong:  Savannah College of Art and Design | India: National Institute of Fashion Technology |  Johnson English Medium Higher Secondary School | National Institute Of Open Schooling |  Indonesia: Universitas Ciputra Surabaya | Senior High School 6 Surabaya | Irland: Dublin Institute of Design | Griffith College Dublin | Mallow College of Design and Tailoring | Regent House Grammar School |  Israel:  Shenkar College of Engineering and Design | Italy: Academia KOEFIA, Rom | Istituto Europeo Di Design (IED) | Istituto Maragoni | IUAV, Treviso |  NABA-Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti di Milano | Seconda Università degli studi di Napoli L. Vanvitelli, Aversa | UED Pescara | Polimoda | Kasachstan:  “Top Modern” educational center | Kosovo: DESIGN FACTORY KS, Pristina | Korea: University of Incheon | Mexico: ARTE AC, Tecnológico de Monterrey | Esc. Ind. Pablo Livas and Universidad de Comunicacion Avanzada | The Art Project | Moldavia: High School “Ion Pelivan”, s Razeni | Nigeria: Istiuto di Moda Burgo, Lagos | Netherlands: Amsterdam Fashion Academy | Great Britain: Manchester School Of Art – Manchester Metropolitan University | South Essex College | University of Huddersfield | Austria: Fashion Institute Vienna, Modeschule Wien im Schloss Hetzendorf | HBLA Oberwart | HLM Herbststraße Wien | HLM Wiener Neustadt | MD.H Mediadesign Hochschule |  Modeschule Wien im Schloss Hetzendorf/ Fashion Institute Vienna | Universität für Angewandte Kunst | Philippines: School of Fashion and the Arts | University of the Philippines-Diliman | Portugal: Modatex Lisboa | Sweden: Secondary School of Music Junior Academy | Switzerland: F&F Schule für Kunst und Design | Simbabwe: Chinhoyi University of Technology | Singapore:  Raffles College of Design Singapore | Spain: EASD Valencia | Escola de la Dona |  Escuela Superior De Diseño Goymar Galicia | FD Moda LCI Barcelona | Marbella Design Academy, Mónda | Santa Engracia | Czech Republic: College of Fashion Design Prague | Faculty of Art and Design – University of West Bohemia | High school Ceskolipska, Prag | The College of Fashion Design | Turkey: İstituto di Moda Burgo Turkey | Taiwan: Taiwan Fashion Association International |   USA: College of Dupage, Glen Ellyn, Illinois | Veterans Memorial High School